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Perfume chemistry: How does perfume work?

perfume chemistry

Perfume chemistry

Since the beginning of history, humans have begun to seek to hide or release their body odor through perfume. That imitates the pleasant natural scents that everyone loves.

So, scientists started using many natural and synthetic materials and extracting them to produce the best types of perfume.

We note that there is no similar smell on any two people, and this is due to the difference in chemistry and temperature, in addition to the difference in body odors from one person to another.

Let us in this article learn more and more about perfume chemistry and how it works??

fragrance chemist

Perfume Chemistry: How does perfume work?

Have you ever wondered why perfume is so diluted?

In fact, perfume manufacturers do not do this out of miserliness. Rather, the beauty of the fragrance lies in this particular matter.

Too much alcohol will release odors that your nose can distinguish. The same is true of perfume oil. Where you will encounter a mixture of smells. Tattooing such scents will be a wonderful experience for you.

Because you will feel as if you are listening to a piece of music that includes all the notes in one symphony.

And good chemistry perfume is the conductor of the orchestra for this piece!

When we talk about the chemistry that contributes to the composition of the most important perfumes, we are talking exactly about the main components of perfumes: perfume oil, alcohol and water.

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What are the basic materials and components?

Perfume oil:

Perfume oil is divided into two main components, natural and synthetic.

We can also extract essential oils from flowers, plants and animals.

Most perfume oils are made up of 3 main parts which make up the main fragrance structure.

Top notes

We can start with the top notes whose aroma will be revealed to you during the first 15 minutes of applying the perfume.

These chemicals evaporate first from your skin. At this stage, we find that most designers create spicy or exotic scents in order to arouse your interest and be attracted to the perfume directly.

Heart notes

As for the heart notes, they appear to you 3 to 4 hours after applying the perfume.

The chemicals that make up these notes are heavier than those of the higher notes. So, they evaporate more slowly and maybe this phase of the scent is what you will remember from the fragrance later. Especially those floral notes. They live right here in the middle.

Base notes

The base notes are the notes that you will see at the end. It smells heavy and sticks to your skin firmly. You can notice it after 5 to 8 hours of putting the perfume. 

Woody and musky chemicals often enter into this base.

Because perfume smells evaporate quickly in most cases. You can be careful while applying perfume on your skin.

 For example, spread perfume on your skin and do not rub it hard.

 Because the heat will vaporize the upper odors, as it may weaken the total smells of perfumes.

Water and alcohol:

There are many different types of alcohol that can be used. We can use ethyl alcohol. Especially because it helps spread the fragrance. We also find that the use of distilled water H2O helps to spread the smell. As for the attractiveness of perfume, it depends largely on the softening of the perfume. We find that the strengths and weaknesses of perfumes vary based on how much the perfume is diluted.

The most effective fragrance you can buy contains 15-25% of perfume oil.

Cologne is the least concentrated fragrance in which we find about 10% of perfume oil.

Perfume chemistry: what is its role in the formation of perfumes?

The smell is a very weak part that floats in the air. Aromatics are often light and semi-volatile organic compounds with a molecular weight of no more than 260 AMU.

Despite all this, we do not find any part that floats in the air that smells!

Or it has enough smell that we can recognize it as human beings. In addition to all this, there is a very important point about the smell of perfume.

How does the fragrance differ from person to person?

Where we find that the smell of perfume is not that smell that comes from it. But also, is the way a person is chemically wired to perceive it.

If only everyone smelled the same way. And they have the same favorite scents. You will find that everyone has the same favorite fragrance!

Depending on the genetic code in each person, you may have different smell receptors. This makes the smell itself varies from person to person.

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Perfume Chemistry: External Factors That May Destroy Your Perfume:

  1. The chemical reactions that result from light can change and destroy the smell of your perfume. The reason is that the energy in the light can break down the bonds within the fragrance molecules. This will negatively affect the fragrance.
  2. Bright sunshine can also destroy your perfume in just a matter of weeks!
  3. Air has a negative role on perfume. So it can lead to the erosion of the fragrance through the oxidation process.
good chemistry magnolia violet

How do I keep my perfume?

  1. The best place to keep your perfume is to put it in a dark room at room temperature and in the perfume bottle itself.
  2. Put the fragrance on the pulse areas. This is because the pulse will heat the fragrance and cause its smell for a long time.


fragrance chemist simply reveals you behind the scenes.

 How does perfume work and what does it consist of? Not just interesting questions!! Rather, discovering its answer is the perfect way to properly handle your perfume.